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High performance electronics are designed and implemented on the nanoscale. Smaller device geometries leads to higher operation frequencies, larger small signal gain and better packing density. We explore transistors close to the atomistic limit to implement high performance electronics devices for radio frequency (RF) and computation. Project areas: RF Nanowire Field Effect Transistors Transistor - 2025-03-13

Nanowire photovoltaics

Solar energy ~10 000 times today’s total global energy consumption impinges on Earth. Could we only convert a small fraction of all this energy to useful energy forms, our future energy supply is secured. Photovoltaics converts light to electricity and NW technologies have the potential to provide multi-bandgap materials otherwise not feasible and low material-consumption devices.   Nanowire array - 2025-03-13

Nanowire LEDs

Lighting and displays accounts for a major part of our energy consumption, and presently light emitting diodes are penetrating the market. A first political incentive towards developing more efficient devices was taken by abolishing incandescent lamps. However, much more efficient and longer lifetime lighting devices are present today, constructed by use of semiconductor based light emitting diode - 2025-03-13

Nanobio interactions and applications

We strive for a detailed understanding of the interactions between cells and nanostructures with respect to cell behavior, cell physiology and cell mechanics. This knowledge allows us to develop novel nanoscale devices with applications in biology and medicine, such as: - the development of nanowire devices that can interact with cells with minimal cell perturbation (e.g. for injection, nanobiopsy - 2025-03-13

Single-molecule and single-cell biophysics

To study processes at the level of single molecules and single cells, the tools need to be on the same size scale as the objects under study. We therefore develop micro and nanofluidic devices on scales ranging from tens of nanometers to hundreds of micrometers to manipulate, visualize and sort biomolecules, cells and other bioparticles. Research areas:Single-molecule biosensingNanoconfined molecu - 2025-03-13

Emissions and Exposure assessment

To generate the knowledge needed to implement Safe(r)-and-sustainable-by-design, we assess real-world emissions and exposure as well as properties of emitted particles in all stages of the life cycle of a nanomaterial. We are at the forefront when it comes to exposure/emission characterization with advanced state-of-the-art online and offline instrumentation, such as time-of-flight aerosol mass sp - 2025-03-13

Risk assessment and Risk management

Safe production and use of nanomaterials requires effective risk management. For this purpose, we combine nano-related exposure and toxicity knowledge with state-of-the-art processes and procedures for risk management, ranging from legislative and regulative levels down to hands-on work processes. Research areasSafety management in research facilitiesComprehensive nano risk managementNanosafety tr - 2025-03-13

Frequently Asked Questions about Nanosafety

Here we have collected answers to questions about safety of nanomaterials that we are often asked when meeting visitors, school classes or the general public. Our research concerns manufactured (also called engineered) nanoparticles in contrast to nanoparticles that occur naturally. Many questions that we are often asked when meeting visitors, school classes or the general public concern nanosafet - 2025-03-13


We employ quantum thermodynamics to develop new paradigms for energy conversion and quantum devices at the nanoscale, where thermal and quantum fluctuations may conspire to profoundly alter the physical properties. We set focus on interacting few- or many-particle quantum systems where effects of quantum correlations, fluctuation statistics and quantum coherence lead to fundamentally new physics w - 2025-03-13

Atomic sculpting

Patterning methods at the nanoscale play a decisive role in our capability to make nanostructures with good control of their interfaces and thus electrical, optical and other properties of the devices. What approaches can be used to achieve highest possible resolution, preferably with atomic-scale accuracy with high throughput? This and other questions are addressed in Novel patterning methods, wh - 2025-03-13

Light-matter interaction

At the nanoscale, light interacts with matter in novel ways. There are many ways to affect the way light and matter interacts by designing suitable nanostructures. We investigate both how to understand the nanostructures on a quantum level as well as how to control light using nanostructures. Is it possible to improve optical devices using nanostructures? Can we go down and see exactly how nanostr - 2025-03-13

Education closely connected to world-class research

We engage in education at all levels, from undergraduate education to professional training for companies. We give specialized courses preparing students for graduate studies in our research, as well as for careers outside the university. More than 150 PhD students, in sciences ranging from engineering to natural sciences and medicine, constitute roughly 1/3 of the staff engaged in NanoLund and ar - 2025-03-13

Power and RF-electronics

The III-Nitride materials are considered a key technology in this area, enabling lower loss, improved performance and reduced costs in a wide range of applications, such as for efficient transformers, for electrical power transmission, and for electrical vehicle applications. To reach the full potential of the III-Nitride materials, the ultimate solution is to grow device structures on native bulk - 2025-03-13

NanoLund – Integrity policy

NanoLund is a part of Lund University and therefore follows Lund University’s policy for processing of personal data. As a public authority we have an obligation to collaborate with society, communicate our activities and enable the utilization of research results. In order for us to fulfill this obligation of sharing knowledge, informing about our activities and interacting with research partners - 2025-03-13

About NanoLund Website

This website is run by NanoLund, Lund University. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website, and on these pages we describe how complies with the accessibility regulations, as well as how we collect and process personal data. Contact information If you have questions about NanoLund website send an email to webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (webmaster[at]nano[ - 2025-03-13

Accessibility report

This website is run by NanoLund, Lund University. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website, and here we describe how complies with the accessibility regulations, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report problems so that we can fix them. How accessible is this website?We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible. See the sections on n - 2025-03-13

Sign up form for NanoLund student member

In order to handle your Student membership we ask you for a fraction of your personal data. We will use it only for the purposes stated in the form and will not share it with anyone. The legal basis for collecting this information is Consent. We encourage you to read NanoLund’s Integrity policy and Lund University’s information about Processing of personal data to learn about our obligations, your - 2025-03-13

Education for professionals

NanoLund works to share knowledge of nanoscience and nanotechnology with our community through different educational activities. Education for professionals can range from shorter seminars and workshops to tailored courses offered to companies, public authorities or non-governmental organizations. Thus, a commissioned education can be either an already existing course or program, or it can be spec - 2025-03-13

NanoLundians elsewhere

NanoLund has participating research groups also outside Lund University, in academia, society and industry. The names of the Faculty Members and Affiliated Faculty Members are listed here, followed by their research group members, in alphabetical order. Faculty MembersHåkan PetterssonFaculty Member, Professor, Halmstad UniversityEmail: hakan [dot] pettersson [at] hh [dot] se (hakan[dot]pettersson[ - 2025-03-13

“Tissue constructs grown in ultrasonic standing waves” and “Numerical investigation of particle-laden viscoelastic flows”

10 April 2025 15:00 to 17:00 | Seminar Welcome to a seminar related to call and particle manipulation using viscoelastic flows and acoustic fields. Confirmed speakers:Professor Martyn Hill, Mechanical Engineering, University of Southampton, UKAssociate Professor Himani Garg, Department of Energy Sciences, Lund UniversityTitle: Tissue constructs grown in ultrasonic standing waveshttps://www.southam - 2025-03-13