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1.5° Lifestyles: Mainstreaming Everyday Sustainability

A new online course from IIIEE is available on the subject “1.5° Lifestyles: Mainstreaming Everyday Sustainability”  How can we transition to 1.5° lifestyles - living sustainably: being healthy and happy while living within planetary boundaries and carbon budgets?Such a transition requires not only individual changes, but also changes on a societal level - from the communities in which we live to - 2025-03-14

BFA 2009-2022

2009 Anne Marte Overaa 2010 Tim Hansen Sören Aagaard Jensen Stine Omar Johanna Stillman Isis Mühleisen 2011 Matilde Böcher Eva Roel Henning Lundkvist Stine Wexelsen Goksöyr Stine Kvam Nathalie Fuica Sánchez Majd Abdel Hamid 2012 Susanne Johansson Ellinor Aurora Aasgaard Arvid Hägg Henriette Elsine Hoff Levinsen Cathrine Hellberg Madeleine Åstrand Michael Rold Emil Rønn Andersen 2013 Emma Christina - 2025-03-14

Environmental care

Due to the recent relocation we are still working on a solution for the waste management at Båghallarna. You will be notified shortly where you can leave your garbage.Lund University promotes environmental protection in all its departments, which means we all must strive to be careful with the materials we use and manage the waste we produce in the best way possible.You are responsible for making - 2025-03-14

Courses during the years

1995-1996 Jim Shaw & Marnie Weber Heaven or Hell Axel Lieber No Budget-Paradise Jeff Wiesniewski Use all Possibilities Sam Taylor Wood Young British Art  Mary Kelly, Gertud Sandqvist & Ann-Sofi Siden Hysteri, det kvinnliga, psykoanalys och bildkonst Lars Nilsson Svara mig! Anette Abrahamsson, Marianna Uutinen, Nina Roos, Olav Christopher Jenssen, Luc Tuymans Måleri på 90-talet Axel Lieber, Bernhar - 2025-03-14


Coming Closer – Marcus Wallström MFA exhibition | 14 March - 29 March A Sea of Plasticity – Thomas Hostrup MFA exhibition | 14 March - 29 March Summer course Individual Artistic Work Earlier exhibitions Calendar Link to RSS 14 March 2025 07:00 to 29 March 2025 16:00 | Exhibition A Sea of Plasticity – Thomas Hostrup 14 March 2025 17:00 to 29 March 2025 16:00 | Exhibition Coming Closer – Marcus Wall - 2025-03-14

Joakim Sima

IT technician Contact details Email: joakim [dot] sima [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 32 57 26Organisation Malmö Art Academy Other affiliations Health and safety representative Malmö Art AcademyJoakim Sima is  a IT-technician computer and sound engineer who gives general and specific computer support on Malmö Art Ademy´s computers. Joakim is administering the entry cards.  His office is - 2025-03-14

Gertrud Sandqvist

Professor of Art Theory and the History of Ideas; Supervisor for the Doctoral Programme Contact details Email: gertrud [dot] sandqvist [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 32 57 06Organisation Malmö Art Academy WebpageGertrud Sandqvists profile in Lund University research portalProfessor of Art Theory and the History of Ideas; Supervisor for the Doctoral Programme Gertrud Sandqvist was Rector - 2025-03-14

Joachim Koester

Professor of Fine Arts Contact details Email: joachim [dot] koester [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Malmö Art Academy WebpageJoachim Koesters profile in Lund University research portalJoachim Koester is a Danish artist based in Copenhagen.  His work has been shown at documenta X, Kassel; 2nd Johannesburg Biennale; Gwangju Biennale 1995; 54th Venice Biennale; Busan Biennale 2006; Manifesta 7 - 2025-03-14

Emily Wardill

Doctoral student Contact details Email: emily [dot] wardill [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Malmö Art Academy WebpageEmily Wardills profile in Lund University research portalEmily Wardill is a British artist based in Lisbon, Portugal, and Malmö, Sweden.  She is currently working towards solo shows at Secession, Vienna, and Kohta, Helsinki. Previous solo exhibitions include Bergen Kunsthall, - 2025-03-14

Sarat Maharaj

Professor of Visual Art and Knowledge Systems; Supervisor for the Doctoral Programme Contact details Email: sarat [dot] maharaj [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Malmö Art Academy WebpageSarat Maharajs profile in Lund University research portalProfessor of Visual Art and Knowledge Systems; Supervisor for the Doctoral ProgrammeSarat Maharaj was born in South Africa and educated there as well a - 2025-03-14

Nina Roos

External Visiting Lecturer in Fine Arts Contact details Email: nina [dot] roos [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Malmö Art Academy Nina Roos is a visual artist working in the field of painting. She lives and works in Helsinki.  Solo exhibitions have been held at Lunds Konsthall; Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki; Galerie Francois Mansart, Paris; Galleri K, Oslo; Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo; Moderna Museet - 2025-03-14

Charif Benhelima

External Visiting Lecturer in Fine Arts Contact details Email: charif [dot] benhelima [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Malmö Art Academy Charif Benhelima is a Belgian artist. He lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium.  Through the medium of photography, Benhelima deals with the topics of memory/oblivion, time, space, origin, identity, politics of representation, and perception. He gained recogn - 2025-03-14

Maria Hedlund

Senior Lecturer in Fine Arts Contact details Email: maria [dot] hedlund [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Malmö Art Academy WebpageMaria Hedlunds profile in Lund University research portalMaria Hedlund is a Swedish artist based in Berlin. She graduated from the Photography Department at the University of Gothenburg in 1993.  In her latest ongoing works, she uses objects, plants, and smaller c - 2025-03-14

Maj Hasager

Rector Contact details Email: maj [dot] hasager [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Malmö Art Academy Visiting address: Bergsgatan 29, Malmö WebpageMaj Hasagers profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Artistic director Malmö Art Academy Professor Malmö Art Academy Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rightsMaj Hasager is Rector of Malmö Art Academy.Maj Hasager is also - 2025-03-14

Ariel Alaniz

Technician Contact details Email: ariel [dot] alaniz [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 32 57 21Organisation Malmö Art Academy Other affiliations Health and safety representative Malmö Art AcademyAriel Alaniz: technician. Ariel is responsible for the wood workshop and the workshops in the Annex. He also tutors students in the workshops. Ariel works 80%. - 2025-03-14

Silvana Hed

Administrative director Contact details Email: silvana [dot] hed [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 40 32 57 07 Mobile: +46 72 240 99 65Organisation Malmö Art Academy Visiting address: Bergsgatan 29, Malmö Silvana Hed is administrative director responsible for administration, finances and personnel, including coordination of the T/A personnel work. She is also responsible for compliance with Lu - 2025-03-14